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Muscle Milk Follow Up

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I wrote a few weeks ago about how I'd be trying out Muscle Milk so just wanted to do a follow up and let you know how it worked for me!  First of all, trainer Jen Cohen gave us a great workout routine to follow which included jump rope, lunges, planks, squats, pushups, burpees and more.  You had to do each move for around 60 seconds which definitely keeps your heart rate up!  I love these kind of routines and try to take classes at my gym that do these kind of routines but it's nice to also do stuff at my own pace so I'm glad I have this routine to refer to when I can't make the classes.  She recommended to do this routine 4 days a week and on the other days to do 45 mins of my choice of cardio.

She also gave us a few quick tips to help us out and these are my favorite that I wanted to share with you:
  • The secret to scoring a great summer body is to use and engage as many muscles as possible while quickly moving from one exercise do another. This makes sure your heart rate remains high, so you burn the maximum amount of calories in the shortest amount of time possible.
  • First thing when you wake up drink a glass of water with lemon. This help detoxify your system and hydrate you starting as soon as you wake up. It's a great habit to get into.
  • Eat every four hours to make sure your blood sugar doesn't drop. In between lunch and dinner would be a great time to include another Muscle Milk as an easy, on-the-go snack. 
on my way to the gym with my essentials: gym bag and water bottle | and a Muscle Milk after the gym
    I had been slacking on my workouts because I had been in China for a week and the week before I was too busy preparing for my trip so I hadn't been to they gym in awhile.  When I finished the workout, I could tell that I was going to be sore the next day so I drank the muscle milk since it's suppossed to help with muscle recovery.  The next day I was still sore but I think it did help in that I wasn't as sore as I expected to be. The other thing that I liked about drinking Muscle Milk was that it kept me full after my workout whereas most times after I workout, I'm starving and end up eating something I probably shouldn't.  Now it's become my after workout "snack" and keeps me from eating the first thing that I see (which is usually not something nutritious.)  Working out is something that's very important to me but I've learned through this that recovery is just as important.  I didn't really get into the gym or working out until a few years ago but I keep on learning new things along the way about getting the best workout possible which makes me enjoy working out even more.  I think that's the key to getting to the gym on a consistent basis, is that you are actually enjoying what you're doing.  At one point, I ran every day until I got completely sick of it and started taking circuit training classes and working on my Nike Training Club app.  Once I found new things to do, I became motivated to go to the gym again.  I recently started adding yoga to my weekly workouts and I'm enjoying that too.  It's been great for me to change things up and try new types of exercises out. 

      Muscle Milk® is an ideal blend of protein, fats, good carbohydrates and 20 vitamins and minerals to provide sustained energy, spur lean muscle growth and help provide recovery after tough days.

      Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Muscle Milk via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Muscle Milk.

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