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Favorite handbags

Monday, August 6, 2012

Next to shoes, handbags are my favorite accessory.  I try to buy bags that I think will will last me for years in quality and style wise.  I do splurge on them, but I've carried many of my handbags for many years and plan on carrying them for years to come so the investment is usually worth it in terms of cost per wear.  And actually, I'm the same with my computers and other technology items.  I tend to spend a bit more because I plan on using them for quite awhile.  I love the Ultrabook in that way, with it's strong performance and long battery life, I don't plan on replacing this laptop any time soon.

My Ultrabook is almost the same size as my YSL Mini Chyc!
 I love how the Ultrabook fits perfectly into my handbag so I can take it anywhere. 

Right now the Chyc and the PS1 Keep all are my current favorites and are constantly in rotation but I love window shopping at all the department stores and mentally taking notes of which one might be my next acquisition.

Oooh, Chanel.  How I covet all of these bags.

Ever since I got my PS1 Keep All, I've been itching for another as I absolutely love it.  The leather is super durable and I don't have to be nervous or delicate about it like I feel like I do with my Chanel bags.  Came across this window at Barneys and had to snap a pic as I love them all!  I'm thinking about getting the medium tote next.

Now you don’t have to sacrifice beauty for power. Introducing the ultra-sleek, ultra-responsive Ultrabook™, Inspired by Intel. Visit intel.com/ultrabook for more information.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Intel via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Intel.

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